

  If You Were Born in the United States and Have Close Irish Ancestry, Here’s How YOU Can Become an Irish Citizen … some actions you can take NOW!   By Tom Richards I should start by explaining that I was born in Chicago and am therefore an American Citizen. Up until I met an Irish woman when on vacation in the UK and County Louth, Ireland, I had no plans to become a citizen of Ireland. When I married that wonderful woman who was born in County Meath, I soon learned that I was legally entitled to that incredible opportunity. The process back in 1982 was simple. Having moved to Navan, County Meath permanently,   I was ordered to report to the local Irish Police Station (the Garda Siochana) once a month to sign a document stating that I was still married to her, continued to live in the area with her and our children, and was gainfully employed. I received my Irish Citizenship in 1997 – a process that has allowed me to live there for over 43 years. Since then, I conti...


  In America, Why is Grief a Journey of Isolation? … four ways to help you cope with loss and how friends and family can help By Tom Richards                  Just over three years ago Joanna (not her real name), a friend of mine then working for a company in Chicago, learned that her thirty-year-old daughter, her only child, had committed suicide. Consumed with grief, she was given one week off by management. Joanna knew it would take much more time to even start coping with the grief she felt. When she came back to work, she tried to carry out assigned tasks but failed. Two weeks later, completely dissatisfied with her performance, management fired her. She was found by work colleagues crying inconsolably in a restroom, not about the loss of her job but about her daughter’s death. Embarrassed by her grief and feeling that they couldn’t help, her friends left the room. Unfortunately, Joanna is not...
  What Memories! A Trip to Lisdoonvarna (County Clare), the Burren and the Dolmen Standing Stone Last September 2023, I had the sudden temptation to up sticks, leave Eyeries and journey to County Clare. While I'd been there before with my family, I had never had the chance to stay in Lisdoonvarna or take a side trip to the Burren with its amazing Ancient Dolmen Standing Stone.  If you've never been to County Clare, you're in for a real Treat! When I was there, the weather was beautiful. It being the week of the local Dance Festival, people were dancing in the Streets to Irish Country Music, which is rather like US Country Music but with an Irish Twang, not a southern one. I met some amazing people who welcomed me with open arms. I stayed in a local hotel and a Bed and Breakfast (which wasn't too far from Town), and had amazing meals in both places (The BnB, Knockaguilla, was outstanding. I stayed for 3 nights. Breakfast was, of course, included but it was 'help your...
  JOIN DEE AND CARL IN AN IRISH TRIP OF A LIFETIME!  (For more information go to and... for an extensive discussion with Dee about how to book and what you'll do on this Spiritual tour 2024, email her: .  Now, see our Press Release Below! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE IRELAND BASED TRAVEL COMPANY, ANCIENT SPIRITUAL TOURS , OFFERS MAGICAL TRIP OF A LIFETIME: The Eíre Equinox Experience for 2024 Tours to Ireland from the United States have increased significantly, reports major news organizations in Ireland. But many US tourists want something very different. Due to the popularity of Irish Ancient Spirituality and Healing among North Americans, Ancient Spiritual Tours have launched an innovative Tour on the West and Southwest of Ireland for 2024. In a recent interview, Dee O’Connor, co-owner of the company and Tour Guide, with her partner Carl Ashely, stated:          ...

GREAT MEMORIES with Carmel Prior to her Alzheimer's Disease

  I'm told that for partners of those with Alzheimer's, Dementia or similar illnesses, their partners can view this somewhat like a death of their wife or loved one. And in many ways it is. With Carm gone from our home, there's no one to share anything with: a meal, a drink, a dance, the chores, our bed, holidays and especially Christmas. Like a death, accepting a loved one with Alzheimer's can take literally years. Yes, Carm's alive and healthy (except for her memory), but in many ways she's no longer there. Those who have lived with Alzheimer's know what I mean because you've all experienced the grief of this devastating illness. To learn to TRY to accept Carm's absence I've been told to do many things: keep busy, focus on the positives, laugh, be with friends, dance and have dinner with people, experience new places and new things, pray to God daily for her and me, be kind to myself, learn to trust myself again, be kind to other people because...

Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease - what happens when your Partner's life, and YOURS, is destroyed by this horrible tragedy

  Yes, it's a tragedy in many acts. Few people want to discuss psychiatric problems or addiction because it can be embarrassing to them, their friends and relatives. Addiction of whatever kind can lead to suicide. So can the loss of a wife, partner, child, friend or any close relative. And THAT is something that - if it happens - NO ONE still alive will want to discuss except a very, very few. Usually the surviving spouse or relative or friend. Why do we do that? Because suicide, as with most psychiatric diseases, is rarely discussed except if you want to remember them, as I do.     This post is REAL and a TRUE STORY. I'm not embarrassed to tell this. It helps me remember the good times that Carm and I had together, and we have been together for almost exactly 14 years. Heather Armstrong, who died of suicide recently and was never afraid to tell her story because she wanted to help people suffering as she did, wrote a blog  dooce  about all the horrible situatio...

See the Dolphin Song Cinematic Trailer!

  While this is an older Trailer of Dolphin Song, the Novel (go to for more information and to purchase the book), it gives potential readers some idea of what this tale of romance and tragedy is about. We hope you enjoy it and will be adding other videos to this Blog soon!  Also, you can follow Tom on his Amazon Author page where you can learn the latest on his forthcoming novels and the status of his company's feature films. Your support is always appreciated. More on this Blog every week.  All my best to you and yours. Tom